Tuesday, June 2, 2009

On a lighter note....

Well we are officially moved out of our home on Cliffside. Have I mentioned how much I dislike moving? I think I have a time or to. Well I spent this last week cleaning the house, a few hours each day and then on Saturday Scott and the kids took the final load out of the garage and we declared it officially done. So now we are officially In our new home in millville, but deffinately not moved in or unpacked. So now I am dedicating a few hours each day to unpacking boxes. Today the kids and I unpacked and organized the pantry. Wow, that was a big job!!!! But I am happy now I can walk in my pantry and see what I have.

Also, we decided to get teh kids a new puppy because we have a HUGE yard adn we promised the kids we would replace Dante (our puppy we had to sell in Washington) as soon as we could, so we did this weekend, by getting a new Mastiff puppy named Titan. His daddy is huge and weighs 200 pounds. We are sooo excited. he is very well behaved for a puppy. We already love him.


vcsings said...

A MASTIFF!!!Are you kidding!!!Do you know how much food and poop you are in for? Glad it's you and not me! If we ever get a puppy it will be a tiny one. GOOD LUCK!

Jenn said...

Wow. That's a big dog! Our neighbors had a full grown one; Braden thought it was a horse! But I'm jealous - I just want a yard so I can get a dog. Any dog. :) Congrats on the move!