Friday, December 31, 2010

The New Year

So I am kind of up in the air about the whole New Year's resolution thing.  I have some for me personally and then Scott and I have a few as a couple.

For me I want to continue to attend the gym and go even more.  I find I really have a "purpose" if I get up and get to the gym, it seems to get me going for the day.  I am sure I would see more results though if I changed my eating, but I will work on that slowly.  I find it enlightening now that I was able to play the dance game on the Xbox today and was only very slightly winded, not sweaty or felt like dying, last year the Wii kicked my butt, so progress is there, just slow. 

I also want to work on finding a hobby for myself.  Reading is not a good hobby so I need something extracurricular, so here I come.  I could use some ideas.  I am not crafty, so it has to be something that I would not feel inept at.

I am gonig to start grocery shopping with coupons.  I refuse to be a "crazy cupon lady" but I am going to be sensible and utilize offers for items that I buy regularily.  This is totally new for me and I hope it works out.

As a couple we are going to buy a home this year.  That is a big one.  Also we are going to make it a point to go on our first "couple" vacation.  Everytime we have gone on vacation it has been family orientated, which is fine and we have ALWAYS visited family, so this year we want to go somewhere as a couple taht has nothing to do with visiting family, so this ought to be interesting.  Scott even said he would consider actually flyuing on a plane, woo hoo.

As a family we are going to work on keep the house more picked up.  The kids are more than old enough to do this.  And they do pick up after themselves, but we are going to put more responsibility on them cause I am tired of feeling like I clean something to turn around and do it again.  If people would pick up then it would stay cleaner longer right?

I hope these are all resolutions that we can keep.  They seem practical to me and within grasp.  Have a great New Year everyone.


Tamy said...

Those sound good, I don't really have resolutions but just goals. Like have a baby:) Rick is going to camp and mountain bike more and go to Disneyland.

Kristi said...

I decided today to publish my goals or resolutions, then I can be more accountable for them. Good job on that.